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read source history
= createView() =
[[MongoDB Driver Function Reference]]
Creates a view.
More information can be found in the corresponding entry of the [[https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.createView/index.html|MongoDB Manual]].
db.createView(<name>, <source>, <pipeline>[, <options>])
|@t0@r0@c0 <name> | | View name. |
| <source> | | Source collection. |
| <pipeline> | | An array of BSON documents specifying the [[https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/#id1|aggregation pipline]] for the view. |
| <options> | | A BOSN document specifying options. |
{ capped: collation: <document> }
|@t0@r0@c0 collation| | A document specifying the [[https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/bson-type-comparison-order/#collation|collation]]. |
db.createView("bosses", "employees", [{ $match: {salary: { $gt: 1000000 }}}]);
Creates a view on the employees collection containing .
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