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MongoDB Driver Function Reference
Replaces a single document based on the specified filter.
More information can be found in the corresponding entry of the MongoDB Manual.
<collection>.replaceOne(<filter>, <replacement>[, <options>])
<collection> | | The target collection. |
<filter> | | A filter expression using query operators. |
<replacement> | | A BSON document to replace the document. |
<options> | | A BOSN document specifying options. |
{ projection: <document>, upsert: <boolean>, maxtime: <long>,
collation: <document>, hint: <document> }
projection | | Defines a subset of fields to return. |
upsert | | Toggles an upsert. |
maxtime | | Specifies a time limit in milliseconds. |
collation | | A document specifying the collation. |
hint | | A document specifying a hint. |
Return Value
Returns a result set (cursor).
db.employees.replaceOne({ salary: { $gt: 700000 }}, { name: "Roo", firstname: "Kanga", age: 20, salary: 100000 });
replaces the first document from the employee collection with a salary greater than 700000.
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